I got 1 32 gal bag worth of recycling off the desk (the computer died a long time ago, so that area became a catch-all for my things as well as things the kids didn't want to take care of)
And 2 13 gal bags of garbage out of the area (the kids had actually stuffed 2 bags about 1/3 full under the desk and then piled more things on top of them, yuck!)
Then we moved on to the garage where we went through a lot over about another 4 hours. The art area got straightened up a bit and a few empty boxes were broken down and put in recycling. Then we moved on to the 'workshop' and storage area including a pile of things that were set aside possibly for a yard sale.
Out of that we got 4 big yard bags of garbage (mostly broken toys, VHS that were tv recordings, Styrofoam from the boxes, some papers and other misc garbage) that went to the truck and the yard sale stuff was condensed to about 2/3 of what it was but now is things worth selling! Jeff also put 2 dead computer monitors into his car that need to be recycled - now to get help loading the 200lb dead tv into his car and he can take it all in! If I can get rid of that stuff as well as the yard sale stuff before Easter that will be another 7-10 bags.
The garage and desk still need work, but it felt great to get as much done as we did. I am resting today, since I pushed it so much yesterday. Grandpa's truck has been stuffed about as full as we can get it - I think I may be able to fit 1 or 2 more bags in. It really is time to take it to the dump! - well, once Grandpa gets over his cold anyway.
Another 7 bags down! 21 to go and I haven't even started on the basement yet!
Tomorrow the kids will be bringing up the bags of clothes and toys I've already sorted for a yard sale from the basement, so that will add about 16-18 more bags. Then I just have to do the yard sale (or donate the items) to count the things in my 40 bags.
I really like getting rid of things. It is so freeing!!! I just have to remember not to do too much...5 more days to 36 weeks!! Though, I am shooting for at least 37 weeks. If you haven't been following the blog for long, I have never had an early labor with any of my previous 6 kids (it has been 1/2 on time and 1/2 10 days to 2 weeks late), but this time I had unusual cramping at 28 weeks and was starting to efface, so I have been told to take it easy as much as possible - no more hanging drywall or rebuilding furniture!
Below is a picture of the desk after the junk was removed (it still needs work, but is much better). Somewhere I have a before picture, but not on this camera card...