
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Random Thoughts

Several things I have noticed since little Corbin Riggs was born:

1. My husband and I really struggle with boys names! We manage to do ok with girls names, but boys are always difficult. I am happy with Corbin Riggs - even if Jeff calls the baby Riggs, at least I can call him Corbin which was my 1st choice.

2. Either I am getting older, my body is getting more worn out after birthing 7 babies, or my memory of what things are like after baby is faulty. I seem to recall a week after baby is born I am more than ready to go out and get back into the class/get-together groove - though a scaled back version. I'm not claiming that "normal" for me means my energy level is back up or that I am not sleep deprived, more that I just want to be out and feel better when we jump right back into things. However, this time I find that all I want to do is stay home and rest. I don't want to tackle big projects or go anywhere, I just want to stay home in bed and snuggle this beautiful little boy. Maybe it is related to having kids old enough to handle things so that I don't have to worry about the house completely falling apart with me taking some time off; or my relatively recent epiphanies about my own childhood and the effects it has had on me; or the close friends who have lost babies or had difficult pregnancies over the last year. Maybe a combination of things...I just don't know. What I do know is that I am enjoying this time to rest and watch and listen to all the kids. Plus how can anything beat snuggling a newborn baby who smiles and laughs in his sleep regularly?

3. I like to think way too much. There are probably half a dozen posts that are half formed floating around in my head just from the last 2-3 weeks. I keep thinking that I need to type them out so that I can more fully develop my opinions, but the snuggling option ends up more appealing. There is also that scary factor of putting my crazy opinions out where anyone can read them which makes me nervous... There is time. If Corbin takes after his brothers then there are only a few months left where he will let me snuggle and hold him before he's either too active, too big or both.