
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Brief Hello and We're Off!

My thoughts on being too busy were unfortunately more accurate than I care to admit - hence a 3 month hiatus from writing! I have already dropped helping with Jr High youth group. I would love to help, but it is like a drug, I will not be able to limit my "help" unless I am not needed. Besides, as Ariana gets older I am really enjoying homeschooled kids a lot more than their schooled counterparts. I also dropped taking over the local social get-togethers, someone else stepped in and handled that. Yeh! I like it when someone else steps in and makes things work! I'm probably going to let a bit more go too, because the kids want to "be home" more. I'm not making any commitments on dropping things yet though.

The co-op has been a lot of fun! I really like the kids and parents involved I would be sad to leave, but I did tell the kids we would take a bit of a break so that we are not running around at least 3 days out of the week. For the remaining 5 weeks, I just need to work on preparing for class more than 12 hours before the class begins. I manage to get it done, but 4-6 hours of sleep and the stress of running around to get everything together in the remaining 6-8 hours is a bit much, plus Jeff has had to bail me out every week so far because I run out of time. Yes, the plan is for 5 more weeks of classes, not 3 like the original plan, because then "my" classes match the preschool and babysitting schedule. I am looking forward to the extra classes because we have been having so much fun. I am actually kinda sad that we will miss one class for our trip to CA. The CA trip plans are a story for another time.

I'm now off to the dentist (where I can work on prep for class next week, maybe?) and then trying to clean the disaster that is the house after almost 2 months of me being sick with one illness or another.

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