Then we discovered the dry rot. You can kinda see it in the above picture all along the wall. It was also in the wall with the door, so we decided to remove that wall and rebuild it - we had to resize it anyway because the door being put in was larger than the openning. It was about as easy as I thought it would be to rebuild the partition wall, which is a nice change!
And here it is roughed in. We have the cripple studs cut and 2X4s in place between the joists so that the wall will be supported (before it wasn't even attached to the floor! All that was holding it in place was where it attached to the wall and doorframe). I'm sure that it will not be as well done as if a contractor did it, but it will work well enough for us and it is better than it was. Since this picture was taken, the wall has been attached to the floor and tacked in place and most of the wiring for the room has been set up. I did discover another little hiccup though with the wiring. The door I got from craigslist that was a great price opens the opposite way the original door did, so we have to move the light switch to the other side of the door. An advantage to this is the wiring for the swtich box is loose in the bathroom and by moving it, it will look better and more professional.
Today I hope to get the outlets in and the Romex stapled down.
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