When Damien was 5 we signed him up for a track team that advertised on one of the local homeschool groups, and it was a great experience for him. Since he was technically too young (he was supposed to be 7) not much was expected of him, but he managed to finish every race he was in over the 1 1/2 years we were a part of the team. Ariana ended up on the team as well because the team practices were so far away she had to come and would have had nothing to do. While being too far away eventually led to the demise of our involvement we learned some valuable lessons. One, Ariana is not a runner and doesn't care for it and Two, Damien is a natural runner and he loves it. Life got in the way after we officially left and I never took the time to get Damien back into track, then last year I decided to give CYO a chance, but the season began a week before my due date with Serenity - not the best time to add new things to the schedule. So Damien had to wait another year.
Over this CYO season, Damien had a lot of fun and definitely improved in running - his javelin throwing skills could use some improvement though (he managed to get shorter distances as the meets went along). He is very excited about next year, so we will have to see how that goes. In the meantime I am toying with the idea of finding a local USAAF team for him to join. If he does it over the summer he will build endurance for sure because it will be cross country season. He really shined as a sprinter, but with practice I think he would be fine in cross country. The biggest obstacle being whether I can or even want to fit in 2-3 practices a week and meets every Sat.

After the Championships he was quite proud of himself for placing 4th in the 100M Dash! Daddy was proud too. Damien was sunburned because he refused sunscreen, but all was well in the world.
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