What I have read of No Logo so far was very interesting. The book is about the changes that have taken place first in advertising then in jobs from the 70s until about 2000 (when the book was written). A lot has changed since the book was published, but I think the author set things up well enough that where we are today makes sense from the history she portrays. She is a bit long winded and it seems that this was her first (maybe only?) book. I disagree with her politics (Ralph Nader is always shown in a positive light), but I can appreciate her skepticism of the traditional Republican vs Democrat views. I have not finished the book, and am looking forward to what she has to say in her final section, but I fear it is becoming very political in a way I cannot agree with. For example, she has been very hard on Republicans, but never mentions names when she is pointing out something negative a Democrat did (I know history well enough to know it was a Democrat who passed the legislation or supported the bill). Also, at this point she is very supportive of groups like Critical Mass, the groups that deface billboards and other advertising and other disruptive and destructive groups. I hope to see her conclusion turn to more constructive methods of dissenting the idea of "branding", but I am not holding my breath.
More on it later.
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