The Simple Woman’s Daybookis hosted by Peggy at The Simple Woman’s Daybook
Thank you Peggy.
FOR TODAY November 18th, 2009...
Outside my window... the storm seems to have passed. There are some clouds, but some blue sky too. It looks cold and is a bit windy, but may be nice enough for us to get some of the yard work done. Wow, I see the sun shining as it rises between the trees.
I am thinking... I hate allergies. Maybe I can get an allergy test done and see if there is anything I can cut out to make things better (pregnancy may rule it out). Something at Grandpa's house triggered my allergies last night... I wonder if it was something in the candy he was sharing that tipped me over because I was fine inside before - though I am still having issues this morning so maybe not. I need to take a shower and find a new sweater, I'm sure that will help.
I am thankful for... not having anaphylactic reactions to anything. A bit of sneezing and itchy watery eyes is much better than having to carry around an Epi-pen and all that goes with such severe reactions.
From the learning rooms... We got a good chunk of our first timeline finished last night. We have to erase the pencil outlines and hang it today. Then the kids will be adding to it. We decided to start with the beginning of time and work our way forward. I found a neat chart that breaks down the Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras. The kids will add creatures, plants, etc that may have been found during the various periods, and Ariana was interested in drawing the Earth's land masses of the period - what we suspect they were anyway. While this is not a required thing for the kids to partake in, it is there and they all sounded interested. We'll see how it goes. I'm looking forward to more recent history, but the kids wanted to start at the beginning - can't say that I blame them.
From the kitchen... what can I make for breakfast that will use 4 eggs or less? Not the breakfast burritos that are on the calendar for today! I need to think of something soon since the kids will be up pretty quickly.
I am wearing... pajamas. The baby tricked me into spending 45 minutes trying to put her back to sleep before she decided to get up at 6:45. It wasn't too bad - I wanted to get up at 6 anyway. She's reading books now, so I am able to type, but a shower was not an option when she was demanding my full attention earlier.
I am creating... the timeline, also I brought up the Advent binder to start thinking about what we will do for Advent (we've never managed to do anything), and I found another binder for SWAAT (pro-life group) stuff so I can start organizing my thoughts there.
I am going... maybe to a friend's house, maybe staying home, we'll see.
I am reading... Cabinet of Curiosities, I am close to the end. Peter Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads is in at the library for me to pick up. I look forward to reading it!
I am hoping... that I can manage to get at least 1 thing done on my 6+ month old To Do list. I told the kids we would work on the clothes some, enough to break out the winter things, put away summer things and maybe condense some of the overflowing pile of bins and bags in the basement. I really need to clean up the garage enough to have a place to bring up things that will go away - not to mention actually get rid of said things.
I am hearing... quiet, except for Serenity's occasional words as she reads a book to herself. Now its my turn to read to her.
Around the house... still looking pretty good. Ariana needs to work on the kitchen and I need to sweep my bedroom. Then there is always dirty laundry downstairs.
One of my favorite things... The Northwest. In CA the seasons consisted of rainy and dry, and while I am well aware of the more extreme changes in the rest of the country, I find the Northwest seasons charming. Random people I chat with have commented on 'Winter' being here, and I remind them that the rain is still warm and the days are still reaching the 60s regularly, so it isn't Winter yet! We are well into Fall and it feels like Fall, but it definitely is not Winter. I like the mild changes and all the evergreens, it just feels... right. I'm sure other places are beautiful and have their own charm, but I am perfectly happy here.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Wait and see when Jeff will come home - he may stay a bit longer so that the trainees, anchors and supervisor can put their new skills to work and have their questions answered; keep working on the To Do list (I got almost everything on my daily list done yesterday!) - work on the basement, pick up the yard, install my under cabinet radio birthday present; have the kids finish their chores. A lot of the last part of the week will be dependent on when Jeff comes home.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
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