It's hard to believe Advent is almost over! While we haven't managed to do anywhere near as much as I had hoped for Advent, it was rewarding to have my oldest comment that this year it 'feels' like Advent. I have missed the seasonal music though. I need to find a good Advent CD for next year. Any ideas?
I think the biggest challenge has been having Jeff home, not because of any problem with him, but because of our schedule being thrown off. The days have blurred together which makes it difficult to keep track of what needs to be accomplished when. There were a couple times in the last month where I didn't even remember we had to get up early for Mass the next day until Jeff reminded me. That is not a good sign. When all the kids' classes/groups start again that will help with separating the days at least. After losing yesterday to caffeine withdrawal exhaustion and a headache, I have decided that this is a bad time to try and show my body that I have control over it. Maybe in a couple weeks I'll try to cut out the coffee to reset my caffeine tolerance...
I am looking forward to Christmas, despite not being anywhere near ready for it. There are still 2 days to get something for Jeff, wrap presents, go through packed clothes and toys to find things for the little girls and work on projects like Ariana's room that still isn't done. Jeff's present should probably take priority today. I hate shopping anywhere at anytime and while it should be pretty easy to get something off his list, it means going out into the crowds, yuck! I should probably do it now before the crowds get bad. Jeff liked the idea of giving presents for the whole Christmas season so that we don't have to wrap everything at once, yeh! I may even be able to get Ariana's room done enough for painting by Epiphany, so it may still be a Christmas present afterall - though laying the floor and adding moulding would come after the paint dries.
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