Unfortunately I've managed to catch the baby's cold. With family coming in next week and the house a disaster because I have spent so much time working on Ariana's room (which is almost done), I'm hoping to beat this by tomorrow.
I still have to go shopping, supervise and help get the house cleaned and lead the Homeschool Support meeting before they come. I would really like to finish straightening the garage, clean at least part of the basement and finish Ariana's room. Things that won't happen unless I can get over the worst of the cold.
Ariana's room is *almost* done! The dry wall is all up the 2nd coat of mud is on the last corner (3rd coat tomorrow). All that will be left Sunday is the final sanding of the walls, then we can paint (assuming we mix texture into the paint). I left it up to Ariana to decide if we will wait for family to help with painting at the end of next week, or if we will get it done sooner. I still have put in the breaker for the outlets, put in the door and the floating laminate floor, but that should be done in a day or two once the painting is finished. I think she is almost as excited as I am! I have to post some pictures before it is all finished.
I am already thinking ahead to working on the kitchen. If Ariana decides to wait on painting, I may have my dad help me get the new kitchen sink and faucet in this weekend. I have visions of being able to bathe Baby Riggs in the sink - something that doesn't work so well in the 1/2 section of stainless steel sink we have now.
It is interesting to me that instead of nesting by organizing and cleaning like I have in the past, my nesting involves construction on the house. I wonder if that will in any way reflect Baby Rigg's personality - either he/she wants/needs more space or is going to be a hands-on kinda person. I just have to remember not to push myself too hard.
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