
Monday, July 28, 2008

This Year is Shaping up to be Just Right...right?

I tend to overcommit myself every summer and then stress out until things drop off in the Fall and Winter. By Spring I am bored and desperate for more things to do, so I start the whole cycle over again. This year my goal is to try and find that elusive happy medium before the year starts. So far...
I am the leader of the Catholic Homeschool group we belong to of about 135 families (I have awesome members on the board so I shouldn't have that much to do)
Trying to do more 'organized' school with the kids this year
Help out if necessary running the Middle School youth group at our local parish (Ariana will be one of the kids involved and I want to make sure it is a good experience if they will accept help)
Participating in a new Homeschool Co-op that will offer activities and maybe classes for the kids
Possibly take the lead in social get-togethers that another more local homeschool group needs
Then I get to be chauffeur for Cub Scouts, Swimming/Ballet, Little Flowers, CCD, Girl Scouts, etc. I am cutting out OMSI classes at this point because I don't know what gas prices will do, but it may get added in later.
I also have some writing projects on the side that could go a long way to help bring in more income if I can find the time to do them.

This may seem like a lot to commit to, but I have never made a good stay-at-home anything, so these things should keep me content. The Youth Group is the only thing I am afraid to do and that is only because of how much I love Youth Ministry. I am afraid that a taste will not be enough and I will end up more involved than I can handle.

Right now my leadership position is almost too much, but I think things will get better as the year starts. Since I am part of a whole new committee, we have to learn the ropes, review policy and figure out where the year will go. Once the basics are down, we will just be overseeing things. I am excited about the new year and look forward to the lessons I will learn - who knows, maybe I will be able to finally become comfortable talking in front of a group.

If anything has to go it will probably be 'organized' school. I have stated the supposed need for "more organized school" every year for the last 3 years and it has never materialized, so I am not stressing about it. I think my proclaimation of more organization is a defense mechanism when I am around family and friends who do not approve of unschooling. My plan for "more organized school" this year is actually relatively simple and would still put me firmly in the unschooling realm. When I have described what unschooling means to me I have had several people suggest that I should create a new term because it is not what they think of as unschooling. I will expand on this in another post.
My four goals with school this year:

1. Put up a timeline that the kids can add to whether pictures, words, symbols, whatever
2. Add a poster of the succession of Popes to our walls of educational posters
3. Start planning our trip across the country by collecting info on the states, looking up landmarks, campgrounds, etc
4. Write down lesson or subject ideas for the kids in a planner, so that they can look up and do work whenever they want. Since some subjects are progressive I don't know what I will be writing down, but I'm sure I can figure something out.

I am looking forward to however this year turns out, as long as it is better than 2006 was!

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