
Thursday, February 18, 2010

OK, Maybe that Wasn't the Best Deal to Make...

On our way home from Mass yesterday my 11 year old was complaining about giving up treats for Lent (something we haven't done before), so I reminded him Sundays and Feast days are ok for small treats. Being the kind of child he is, he said there were Feast days almost everyday, so that is a foolish rule. After some more discussion back and forth, I told him that if he can find a Saint and tell us about their life and why they were special, then we would celebrate that day as a Feast day. I did add the caveat that he has to have the information mostly memorized, he cannot just read from a webpage, so hopefully the 11 year old's laziness will limit the number of Feast days we have during this Lent.

Worst case, he learns a lot about various Saints who normally do not have their Feast days celebrated - and I find another way for us to fast during Lent.

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