
Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Few Reasons I am Catholic Today

First would be my Mom who introduced us to Catholicism, it really was better late than never. She was and in many ways still is stuck knowing much of the Faith without understanding it, and therefore unable to live it or explain it to any of us kids. She did the best she could, and for that I am grateful.

My grandmother who prayed for the conversion of all her family daily, and taught us a few simple prayers when my siblings and I were little.

Steve, my high school teacher who challenged me on matters of faith. His pro-abortion stance made me own my pro-life stance as well as the tenents of Catholicism - though I was not practicing them at that point.

Fr. Amsberry for encouraging my fledgling Faith along when Jeff and I moved to a new state away from family and were living in sin. I worked my way into the Church, learned so much and have never looked back.

Above all though, Jonathan, my brother. If it weren't for him I would not be Catholic today. Finding the Church for him was like getting his first breath of air after struggling underwater for most of his life. He challenged me in different ways and like a good big brother took my hand and led me through the door my mom had shown us. We had so many conversations and plans of how we would fix the world by spreading the logic behind the Faith. While still living at home after I had come back from the brink of destruction, yet still stood near the edge of a terrible fall, he would take me and the kids to Mass. There was no arguing with him. He said it was time to go, so we did. A routine I continued even after moving out of state and away from all family. Even being 3,000 miles from each other, I went to him if I had questions and we grew together in our understanding of Christ and the Church.

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